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provvisorio 8 giugno 9 30- apertura congresso chairman N.Maggiore 10 00-Roberto Soldati- Graphene in campi elettromagnetici uniformi 10 50-coffee break 11 10-Remo Garattini - Self-Sustained Traversable wormholes: from Phantom energy to noncommutative geometry 11 30-Andrea Campoleoni - Unconstrained higher spin fields of mixed symmetry 11 50-Carlo Becchi -La simmetria di BRS a livello elementare 12 30-pranzo chairman- G. Ridolfi 14 30-Antonio Riotto- 15 20-Simone Alioli- Matching NLO QCD and Partons Shower: the POWHEG method 15 40-Emanuele Re - Single-top production in the POWHEG formalism 16 00-Giovanni Diana - High energy resummation in direct photon production 16 20-coffe break 16 50-Marco Bonvini - Borel prescription for threshold resummation 17 10-Riccarto Torre - Production of heavy vector resonances at the LHC
Cossu-Transizioni di fase di volume finito in QCD con fermioni in
rappresentazione aggiunta
14 30-Antonio
Celani-Broken and emergent symmetries in turbulence'.
15 10-Adriano
Tiribocchi-Spinodal decomposition of a binary uid mixture with inhomogeneous
15 30-Andrea Scagliarini-A
self-consistent Lattice Boltzmann Model for the compressible Rayleigh-Benard
15 50-Lara
Vozella-Phase-field model for the Rayleigh-Taylor instability
16 10-Giovanni
Mazzarella-Atomic Josephson junction with two bosonic species
16 30-coffee break
16 50-Andrea
Trombettoni-Optical lattices for ultracold atoms
17 20-Adele Naddeo-A
twisted CFT approach to the study of antiferromagnetic two-leg spin-1/2
ladders with Mobius boundary conditions
17 40-Christian
Flindt-Universal Oscillations in Counting Statistics
18 00-Michele
Burrello-Topological quantum hashing with icosahedral group
18 20-Andrea Secchi-Coulomb
versus spin-orbit interaction in few-electron carbon-nanotube quantum dots
10 30-Giuseppe
Lacagnina-Spectral curves and localization in random non-Hermitian
tridiagonal matrices
10 50-coffe
break Segreteria del Convegno |